Antigonish, NS
August 10, 2024
Lahey, Sister Rosalie, 84, formerly Sister Mary Martha, a Sister of St. Martha of Antigonish, died at Mary’s Court, Parkland Antigonish, on Saturday August 10, 2024, in the 63rd year of her Religious Life.
Born in Main-A-Dieu, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Sister Rosalie was the daughter of Daniel P. Lahey and Mary G. (MacDougall) Lahey.
Sr. Rosalie entered the Sisters of St. Martha on August 15, 1959. She pronounced her first vows on August 15, 1961, and her perpetual vows on August 15, 1966. She began what was a diverse life of Ministry in the field of health care after receiving her Certificate as a Nurses Aid. She worked in Antigonish, at the Infirmary at Bethany, the Motherhouse, and at the RK MacDonald, as well as St. Martha’s Hospital. She then began to serve as Sacristan at Bethany Chapel, and for a time was a Catechist at Christ the King Parish in Trenton, NS. Sr.
Rosalie moved into the field of education having earned her Teaching Certificate from the NS Teacher’s College in Truro, and a BA and BEd at St. Mary’s University, Halifax. She taught in Kamloops, BC; Lethbridge, AB; and Calgary, AB. She also served as Religious Education Coordinator in Ingonish, Cape Breton, and Amherst, NS.
Sr. Rosalie was always focused on those who lived in poverty or struggled on the margins of society. She had a very generous spirit and reached out in various ways, visiting, collecting clothing, knitting scarves, hats and mittens, and anything else along the way. Anyone who visited her would find themselves surrounded by items to be given to others. Her final ministry was focused on visiting seniors in their homes, or in care facilities, offering Gospel Hospitality to whomever she encountered. A constant throughout her life and ministry was her gift of music, she had a beautiful gentle singing voice and would share it generously, whether at liturgical celebrations, at the bedside of the sick or dying, or leading folks in sing-alongs. These last months Sr. Rosalie could be heard softly singing throughout Mary’s Court.Â
Besides her parents, Sister Rosalie was predeceased by brothers Ron, Eddy and Daniel and her sister Barbara Zotter.
She is survived by her nieces and nephews and their families.Â
The remains will be resting at Martha Place, Parkland Antigonish Wednesday August 14 at 9:00 a.m., a Celebration of Vigil and Eulogy will be held at 11:00 a.m. in St. Martha Chapel, Parkland Antigonish.
A Liturgy of Christian Burial will take place on the same day, August 14, beginning at 1:45 p.m. in St. Martha Chapel, Parkland Antigonish. Visitation will be available from 9:00a.m. until 1:45 p.m. August 14 at Parkland Antigonish.Â
